Descriptive Video Works is the leading provider of audio description services in North America. The quality of our work resonates with clients around the world.
Audio description for TV, movies, advertisements, PSAs, video games, educational videos, and more, is all we do, and all we’ve been doing for more than 20 years. We are guided by our advisory council: blind professionals and passionate AD consumers who tell us what makes for great audio description. By centering our service around the guidance and assistance of people who are blind and low vision, we have set ourselves the highest standards in the audio description industry and we’ve helped shape the best practices used in Canada and the US.
We believe passionately in Nothing About Us, Without Us – as a result our team have ensured a practice of inclusive hiring of blind professionals in our work. In addition to our advisory council we have built an industry leading roster of blind narrators as well as a dedicated team of blind QC operators. It’s our belief that including blind professionals in the creation of audio description elevates the quality of our work.
We train our writers one by one for the specific requirements of audio description. All our writers know how to efficiently convey the most important information without interrupting the dialogue of any TV show, movie, video, or video game. Our trained writers know to paint a vivid and descriptive picture while respecting the content and genre of any kind of TV show, production, movie, or game. With each scene they write, they create a deeper impression in the mind of the viewer.
We have a diverse pool of narrators for any production so we can choose the right narrator for the tone or cultural context of each video, TV show, movie, or gaming production. Our narrators understand the subtle art of audio description and how to add just enough emotion to their voice to enhance the show without competing with it.
Our narrators are guided by experienced recording engineers to get the highest quality recording possible. And then our audio engineers blend the show’s audio with our narration so they create a seamless listening experience where both the description and the show’s original audio are clear and enjoyable. Our whole team comes together to make visual media accessible and enjoyable.
At DVW, we believe accessibility means access for all people regardless of location or language. Our team spans six continents and we provide AD services in over 22 different languages.
As a blind professional who has been training others in Audio Description (AD) since 2015, I can honestly say that Descriptive Video Works (DVW) is among, if not the best company I have collaborated with. They have become a leader in the AD industry for consistently updating their standards, educating their clients, and innovating workflows based on input from blind professionals they hire and seek feedback from.
Colleen Connor — Audio Description Training Retreats
Copyright © 2023
Opening entertainment experiences to people who are blind and low vision through audio description. On time. On budget. On target.